WFU in the news: Aug. 28-Sept. 3, 2023
Selected news clips courtesy of the Wake Forest News & Communications team

Latin America advisor
By Lara Kovandova | Inter-American Dialogue
Peter Siavelis, professor of politics and international affairs said: “Giorgio Jackson’s resignation represents a major blow to President Gabriel Boric. Even with the resignation, pressure from the right is unlikely to subside, as it has consistently flexed its muscles to derail the president’s agenda. These realities pose formidable obstacles to Boric’s efforts to rebuild public confidence and advance his policy agenda.” – 8/29/2023
Earth martyrs
By Chris Burton | Christian Century
Elizabeth O’Donnell Gandolfo’s new book will make readers question the depth of their own commitment to righteousness, writes Chris Burton. Gandolfo, a Catholic theologian who teaches at Wake Forest University School of Divinity, tells the stories of several ecomartyrs—people who were killed because they advocated for kinder stewardship of the earth and its resources—and contextualizes their work theologically. – 8/30/2023
Supplementing your college application: Essay advice from college admission leaders
By Brennan Barnard | Forbes
“In our application review, we are looking for students who are intellectually curious and academically accomplished,” said Vice President for Enrollment Eric Maguire. “For quite some time, Wake Forest has invited students to create a top-10 list as one of our optional supplemental questions. The responses to this question show quite a bit of creativity and thoughtfulness.” – 8/30/2023
EPA staff survey: Touch telework and I’m out of here
E&E News
Stan Meiburg, who served 39 years at EPA, including as acting deputy administrator during the Obama administration, said collaboration between staff can be smoother in the office. “I think the new normal is going to involve more telework flexibility than was the case before the pandemic,” he said. Meiburg is now the executive director of the Center for Energy, Environment and Sustainability at Wake Forest. – 8/31/2023
Carolina Curious: What is a Demon Deacon?
By Amy Diaz | WFDD-FM (Winston-Salem, NC)
Wake Forest University’s mascot, the Demon Deacon, rides into games on a motorcycle wearing a black and gold tuxedo, and a top hat on his oversized head. For this month’s Carolina Curious, WFDD’s Amy Diaz spoke with an archivist at the University to find out how it came to represent the school. – 8/30/2023
Budget stalls lead to more Medicaid expansion delays
By David Ford | WFDD-FM (Winston-Salem, NC)
North Carolina’s budget has yet to be passed by the General Assembly, and the logjam is leaving Medicaid expansion in the lurch. Mark Hall, who directs the Health Law and Policy Program at Wake Forest, said every month delayed means people are not getting the health services they need. “The expansion of Medicaid that occurred under COVID is rolling back. And that makes it all the more essential to get this expansion in place as soon as possible,” he said. – 8/29/2023
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