WFU in the news: July 1-7, 2024
Selected news clips courtesy of the Wake Forest News & Communications team

Political betting markets move toward Kamala Harris
Washington Examiner
Political betting markets have a long history in U.S. politics, according to economics professor Koleman Strumpf who has studied them for decades. With the adoption of the internet, betting platforms have become more popular and are something that should be paid attention to because, unlike political polling, the people involved have skin in the game — money. “It reflects probably the best-prevailing guess as to what’s going to happen,” he said. – 7/04/2024
How the Supreme Court just changed climate law, according to 9 lawyers
By Jael Holzman, Jillian Goodman, Paul Waldman, Robinson Meyer | Heatmap News
Stan Meiburg, executive director of the Sabin Family Center for Environment and Sustainability and formerly of the Environmental Protection Agency said “the combined effect of the Comer Post and Loper decisions may not be immediate, but they will be profound. They will make it harder for agencies to do their work and easier for challengers (especially very well-funded challengers) to attack and delay actions.” – 7/02/2024
3 ways AI can smooth our inevitable move to a four-day workweek
By Marcus Mossberger | Fast Company
The amount of time people spend “at work” has changed significantly over the last few centuries. Economics professor Robert Whaples has mapped out the history of hours of work in the U.S., which reveals a gradual decline from working “first light to dark” (70+ hours a week) to the passing of the Fair Labor Standards Act in 1938, which eventually established the 40-hour workweek. Over the last 85 years, not much has changed in the U.S., until now. – 7/02/2024
Red, white and brown? Lawn tips for a hot and dry July Fourth
By Liz McLaughlin | WRAL-TV (Raleigh, NC)
North Carolina is currently under a flash drought, a phenomenon scientists expect to see more frequently as carbon dioxide in our atmosphere continues to cause climbing temperatures.” Certain types of plants are more sensitive to these flash drought events, so especially croplands and grasslands,” said engineering professor Lauren Lowmen. – 7/04/2024
Spotlight: Dana Alligood, executive director of WFU Center for Private Business
Triad Business Journal
Triad Business Journal’s spotlight focuses on Dana Alligood, the new executive director the Wake Forest University Center for Private Business. “I am excited most about helping family and private companies thrive in the community,” Alligood shared. “I am excited about creating content that is valuable to our members to help them be more successful.” – 7/02/2024
Campaign contributions: Individual candidates or contributions to the party?
By Melissa Hall | Winston-Salem Journal
“There are several ways people can donate to political causes and candidates they believe in,” said politics professor John Dinan. “One option is to donate money directly to a candidate’s campaign, and this gives the candidate’s campaign maximum control over how that donation is used. If someone wants to boost the prospects of a political party, then they can donate to state and or federal party organizations, up to the maximum amount, and allow the parties to determine how to make use of the donations,” he said. – 7/01/2024
Wake Forest, High Point University considering dental residency collaboration
By Richard Craver | Winston-Salem Journal
Two Triad healthcare educational groups — Wake Forest University School of Medicine and High Point University’s Workman School of Dental Medicine — announced last week they are considering collaborating on residency programs. The next step for the two schools would be to determine what a collaboration agreement for post-graduate dental residency programs would include. – 7/01/2024
Wake Forest summer literacy program helps students excel in reading
By Zyneria Byrd | Spectrum News Charlotte
School is out for many students as summer break is in full swing, but learning is continuing for some Forsyth County students through a literacy program. Over 60 students are embarking on a six-week literacy program on the campus of Wake Forest University. It’s called Freedom School, and the program consists of kindergarteners through eighth graders. – 7/01/2024
Categories: University Announcements
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