Global instincts

Aaron Winter ('02) and Susannah Rosenblatt ('03) Walking, wandering and Wake Forest’s study-abroad opportunities open a window on the world for writer Susannah Rosenblatt (’03). Read more in Wake Forest Magazine.

Categories: Alumni, Global Wake Forest

Fieldwork: Fair trade, free trade

To better understand barriers to Fair Trade and the limitations of free trade, Wake Forest anthropology and business students are visiting Chiapas, Mexico, during spring break. Learn more about the class, “Free Trade, Fair Trade: Independent Entrepreneurs in the Global Market” and follow their adventures in the field by visiting their blog.

Scholars beyond borders

Luis De La Cruz and Oscar Flores in Nicaragua Students from Wake Forest’s Schools of Divinity, Law and Medicine will travel to Nicaragua during spring break for a cross-disciplinary course focusing on professional development. While in Nicaragua, students will have access to resources available in Wake Forest’s newest international facility, Casa Dingledine, which was dedicated last week.
