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What’s on your bucket list?

Window on Wake Forest asked seniors what was on their “Bucket List,” the things they wanted to do before they graduated.

Lauren HubbardLauren Hubbard
Hometown: Social Circle, Georgia
Major: Communication
Plans after graduation: Wake Forest Fellow in the Advancement Office

Bucket List:

  1. Visit Old Campus and eat a hot dog at the original Shorty’s.
  2. Walk over to Reynolda House — often. Visit the gardens, hang out on the lawn, run the trails, check out the art, tour the house, go to events. It’s all fun and free for students.
  3. Road trip at least once with a group of friends to a Wake Forest away game.
  4. Sign your name at the top of the bell tower.
  5. Go to the Lovefeast. Seeing the chapel full of candles is the perfect holiday tradition.
  6. Participate in Wake Forest traditions — from rolling the Quad, to knowing the words to the fight song.
  7. Meet Dr. Ed Wilson and read Jenny Puckett’s Last Lecture speech online.
  8. Find a favorite professor/mentor. Visit with, and thank, them often.
  9. Storm the field and rush the court (and take pictures while doing both.)
  10. Play in the sprinklers on the Quad on a spring/summer night.

Robert CoxRobert Cox
Hometown: Asheboro, North Carolina
Major: Art History
Plans after graduation: Apply to graduate school for architecture

Bucket List:

  1. Synchronized swimming in the Reynolds Tobacco fountain pool.
  2. Be present for/participate in a library atrium prank (Christmas decorations, paper airplanes, etc.).
  3. Camping in the woods on the Reynolda pathway … or at least read in a hammock out there.
  4. Eat and go to a bluegrass concert at Hillbilly Hideaway.
  5. Actually buy something from the Art-o-Mat in Benson.
  6. Help work on the farm over at the Children’s Home in the West End.
  7. Attend Easter or Christmas services at Home Moravian.
  8. Have a Winston-Salem party: Eating Krispy-Kreme donuts, smoking Camel cigarettes, and wearing only Hanes underwear.
  9. Read some of Paschall’s History of Wake Forest.
  10. Climb to the top (and I mean to the top point) of Wait Chapel and sign the journal.

Matt WilliamsMatt Williams
Hometown: LaGrange, Georgia
Major: Communication
Minor: Entrepreneurship
Plans after graduation: Working for Ketchum South in Atlanta, the biggest public relations firm in the Southeast.

Bucket List:

  1. Go tunneling
  2. Visit the top of Wait Chapel
  3. Visit the Old Campus
  4. Have a conversation with the President
  5. Party with a Benson Information Desk Worker
  6. Spend the night in the Library
  7. Visit Reynolda Gardens with a special friend
  8. Participate in Hit the Bricks
  9. Have a beer with my freshman year RA (of course when we were of age)
  10. Participate in Karaoke night at Fox and the Hound
  11. Study abroad
  12. Take an Alternative Spring Break with Volunteer Service Corps
  13. Forge a lasting relationship with one of my professors
  14. Roll the Quad
  15. Become a student leader and mentor to underclassmen

Categories: Experiential Learning, Happening at Wake


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