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MBA students to appear on “Good Morning America”

When MBA students from Wake Forest University, along with Special Olympics participants, greet the nation on ABC-TV’s “Good Morning, America” in May, they will represent the 200 full-time graduate management students at the Babcock School who have contributed several hundred hours of service to the community this year.

Running the track and field events for the Special Olympics Wednesday, April 24, is only one of the projects the management students have completed.

“People sometimes assume that graduate business students are interested only in making money,” says Suzanne Banzet, president of the Student Government Association at the Babcock Graduate School of Management, Wake Forest University. “If that were ever true, it’s changed now. My classmates and I are very interested in helping people. We’ve worked hard this year to find time to put our concerns into action.”

Their hard work included tutoring at Speas Elementary School, helping build two Habitat for Humanity projects, working with Big Brothers/Big Sisters, conducting blood drives at the school for the American Red Cross, sponsoring an Angel Tree to gather Christmas gifts for needy children, and raising money for Special Olympics by holding an auction for the faculty, staff and student body.

The televised greeting for Good Morning, America (WXLV, ABC-TV) is scheduled to air Monday, May 27.

Categories: Awards & Recognition, Experiential Learning, University Announcements


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