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Stroupe wins national chemistry awards

Beth Stroupe, the daughter of Jane and Steve Stroupe of Libertyville, Ill., has won two national chemistry awards. Stroupe is a rising senior and a chemistry major at Wake Forest University.

Stroupe received the 1996 Iota Sigma Pi Undergraduate Award for Excellence in Chemistry. Iota Sigma Pi is a national honor society for women in chemistry.

She also received a travel award from the Organic Section of the American Chemical Society, a professional organization for chemists. Only six travel awards were granted nationwide. In March, Stroupe used the award to attend the ACS’s national conference in New Orleans. During the conference, Stroupe presented her research on a chemical compound that has potential pharmaceutical uses.

In addition to her studies, Stroupe is an undergraduate research assistant and a flutist in the university’s wind ensemble. Stroupe’s musical talent earned her a Wake Forest Presidential Scholarship that recognizes excellence in areas such as the arts.

Categories: Awards & Recognition, Experiential Learning, University Announcements


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