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Gatehouses to Bolster Security Efforts

As part of a comprehensive plan to bolster security, Wake Forest University will begin operating gatehouses Sept. 9 at its University Parkway and Reynolda Road entrances.

Wake Forest police will staff the gatehouses and monitor traffic from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. A wrought iron gate will block the Polo Road entrance from traffic during those hours. The university changed initial plans to build a gatehouse at the Polo Road entrance because underground utility lines would have caused construction problems.

Built this summer, gatehouses are part of a security enhancement plan the university announced last March. The plan also called for the hiring of more police officers and installing additional lights across campus.

The security plan was prompted by a number of incidents in recent years, including the abduction and robbery of two students who were promptly released unharmed.

During the past few years, the university has taken several other steps to strengthen security that include installing a keycard access system in residence halls and emergency telephones.

“Gatehouses are an additional measure to protect the campus and fulfill the university’s obligation to maintain a safe place to live, work and study,” said Kenneth A. Zick, vice president for student life and instructional resources.

Gatehouses will operate under guidelines developed by faculty, staff, neighboring property owners and a nine-member student advisory committee. Wake Forest police also worked with the Winston-Salem Fire Department and other emergency service organizations to ensure efficient response times will be maintained.

Wake Forest police will issue car decals and/or tags to members of the university community. Cars without a decal or tag will be stopped and the drivers will be asked their name and destination. Wake Forest police personnel may then issue a short-term visitor pass, which expires within 24 hours or a designated time frame.

Zick said the university will review gatehouse operations regularly. “We have tried to be sensitive and balance the need for effective late-night security, the privacy of our residents and our desire to welcome guests to Wake Forest. That is a delicate balance and one we will examine during the year.”

Categories: University Announcements


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