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Experts to Help Clergy Face Trends Shaping Religion

Three nationally-known religious experts will share new findings affecting churches throughout America–weakening loyalty to denominations, the growth of Islam and other world religions and increasing expectations to assume caretaker roles long held by government–in the seminar for clergy, “If Jesus TarriesÖProfiling American Religion Toward a New Millennium,” from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. tomorrow in Room 401 of Wake Forest Universityís Benson University Center.

The speakers are: Nancy Tatom Ammerman, a religion professor at Hartford Seminary and popular author and researcher who will present findings from her new book, “Congregation and Community,” due out in February from Rutgers University Press; Bill J. Leonard, dean of the new Wake Forest divinity school, who will discuss the effects of weakening denominational ties among religious Americans; and Charles A. Kimball, chair of Wake Forestís religion department, who will lead the conferenceís segment on world religions and the broad implications of such trends as when Muslims will outnumber Methodists in the middle of the next century.

Although the conference is for clergy, media are invited to attend all or part of the conference. Leonard, Ammerman and Kimball will also be available for interviews after the meeting.

To make any special arrangements about coverage, or for more information, please call the News Bureau at 910-759-5237.

Categories: Community Impact, Happening at Wake


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