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Lecture Explores Greek, Indian Connections

The influences of Indian culture on Greek civilization about 2,000 years ago is the topic of the next free Brown Bag Lunchtime Lecture at Wake Forest University’s Museum of Anthropology Thursday, Feb. 13.

“East Meets West: The Greek Inscriptions of an Indian King” begins at 12:30 p.m. in the museum classroom.

Jeffrey D. Lerner, visiting assistant professor of history, will present a slide lecture on the inscriptions of Ashoka, an Indian king in Greek-ruled Kandahar in southeast Afghanistan. Lerner will interpret the inscriptions, which were written on coins, stone, and sculptures during the Hellenistic Period (250 B. C. ) He will also discuss how this Greek outpost community lost its Greek ethnicity and became part of Indian civilization.

Brown Bag Lunchtime Lectures are regular features of the museum’s adult programming. Visitors are invited to bring lunch; the museum provides beverage and dessert.

Admission is free. The museum is located behind the track stadium on the Wake Forest campus. For information, call the museum at 759-5282.

Categories: Happening at Wake, University Announcements


Media Contact

Cheryl Walker