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ABC’s “Nightline” to Broadcast Live from Wait Chapel

A special edition of ABC’s “Nightline” will be broadcast live from Wake Forest University on Wednesday, Feb. 12.

Called “Viewpoint,” the ABC News program will focus on investigative reporting and the newsgathering methods of reporters. Inspired by the recent Food Lion-“PrimeTime Live” court case, the program will have a town hall format, with Wake Forest community members among those in the audience.

Anchored by Ted Koppel, the program will broadcast live from Wait Chapel from 11:30 p.m. to 1 a.m. Audience members will be encouraged to arrive at the chapel by 10 p.m. Admission will be permitted as late at 10:30 p.m. Those attending will be expected to remain until the show goes off the air. Wake Forest students, faculty and staff will need a ticket to attend the broadcast. Tickets are limited.

They will be distributed by the Wake Forest Student Union in Benson University Center, Room 335, on Monday and Tuesday, Feb. 10 and 11, from 8:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. In addition, some faculty members may choose to distribute tickets to their students. ABC will also distribute tickets to various groups in the Winston-Salem area. The broadcast is not open to the public.

ABC representatives said the program will feature several panelists who will discuss investigative reporting and use of hidden cameras. A Wake Forest professor may also participate in the debate. Microphones will be set up throughout the chapel to allow audience members to make comments and ask questions.

Audience members will also see a broadcast of ABC’s “PrimeTime Live” program that will be aired from 10-11 p.m. “PrimeTime Live” will conclude with a live spot from Wait Chapel.

Categories: Community Impact, Happening at Wake, University Announcements


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