Wake Forest students win computer security video contest
A video produced by Wake Forest University students won a silver medal in a national computer security awareness video contest sponsored by the EDUCAUSE/Internet2 Computer and Network Security Task Force and the National Cyber Security Alliance.

Part IV: Back Yo Data Up!
The winning video “Computing in a Community Environment, Part IV: Back Yo Data Up!” was produced during the 2004-2005 academic year by a team of five Wake Forest students: Rebecca Boswell, Matthew Fetter, Alex Creswick, Nick Drader and Drew Crofton. The video featured Wake Forest student actors.
The contest was part of a national campaign to raise awareness of and increase computer security at colleges and universities. Winners were selected for creativity, content and quality of information, overall effectiveness of the delivery and technical quality.
The winners’ videos are featured on the EDUCAUSE Web site at www.educause.edu/SecurityVideoContest and will be used in campus security awareness campaigns and efforts. Sixty-two videos from 17 universities were submitted for the contest.
The prize-winning Wake Forest video was the fourth in a series designed to promote responsible and ethical use of computing resources at the university. The other videos in the series won honorable mentions in the contest. All four videos, funded by a grant from Wake Forest’s Fund for Ethics and Leadership and supervised by the Information Systems department, were used for fall 2005 technology training for new Wake Forest students.
Categories: Experiential Learning, University Announcements
Media Contact
Cheryl Walker