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Stories this week at Wake Forest

Tips for Hot Weather Exercise

As summer approaches, exercise buffs need to adapt to hot weather conditions, says Don Bergey, exercise coordinator for Wake Forest’s cardiac rehabilitation program. The only way to be sure you are drinking enough water when you exercise in hot weather is to weigh yourself before you exercise and again after you finish, says Bergey. For every pound that you lose from a workout, you need to drink one pint of water. He also advises avoiding strenuous outdoor exercise between the hours of 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. When the temperature is above 85 and the humidity tops 85 percent, exercisers need to be particularly careful. If they choose to exercise anyway, they need to drink water at least one half-hour before exercising to combat dehydration.

Volunteerism Strong at Wake Forest

Paige Wilbanks, Wake Forest’s coordinator of volunteer services, has seen an increase in students willing to contribute time on a regular basis. More than 500 Wake Forest students make a weekly commitment to volunteering. In the wake of this week’s “volunteer” summit, Wilbanks can comment on how and why college students are so involved in volunteering. Students in Wake Forest’s Volunteer Service Corps can comment on their volunteer experiences, including what impact they feel they are making and what benefits they have gained.

Students Begin Exams Saturday

Classes for the spring semester ended Wednesday. From Saturday, May 3, to Saturday, May 10, Wake Forest students will take exams. The first session of summer school begins May 27.

Gerstner Will Address Graduates

Louis V. Gerstner Jr., chairman and chief executive officer of International Business Machines Corp., will deliver the university’s commencement address on Monday, May 19. The on-campus ceremony begins at 9 a.m. on University Plaza. Before joining IBM in 1993, Gerstner served four years as chairman and CEO of RJR Nabisco Inc. He also spent 11 years with the American Express Company, where he served as president of the parent company and chairman and CEO of American Express Travel Related Services Company, its largest subsidiary.

Categories: Campus Life, Community Impact, Happening at Wake


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Cheryl Walker