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Stories this week at Wake Forest

You May Be Smart, But Are You Emotionally Intelligent?

Emotional intelligence versus intelligence quotient, or IQ, will be the focus of the next Discovery Series from 11 a.m. until noon on Tuesday, Feb. 17. Panelists will meet in Benson University Center’s third floor lounge to discuss how emotional intelligence affects our lives. Panelists will include Josefine Nauckhoff, an assistant philosophy professor; Mark Pezzo, a visiting assistant psychology professor; and Phillip Batten, an adjunct assistant psychology professor. The monthly Discovery Series programs are sponsored by the Benson Center.

Gerontology Expert Part of National Conference

Charles Longino, sociology professor and director of the Reynolda Gerontology Program, will be among hundreds of professionals at the annual Association for Gerontology in Higher Education conference from Feb. 19-22 in Winston-Salem. Longino, who helped organize the event, can provide insight about the conference’s focus-the challenge of preparing and educating a workforce for the 21st century’s senior citizen population. Longino, who is a national expert on retirement migration and other aging issues, also can address how the senior citizen population is growing and changing. For more information on Longino, contact the News Bureau at (910) 758-5237. Contact the Winston-Salem Convention and Visitors Bureau for more information on the conference.

Students Host Workshop: ‘Leadership With Imagination’

Wake Forest’s chapter of Mortar Board will host a leadership workshop for about 25 Forsyth County high school students. From 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 14, in Benson University Center, members of the honor society will lead sessions focusing on leadership in athletics, service, student government, and arts and journalism. In the afternoon, the high school students will be divided into groups and assigned a “leadership task,” such as planning an AIDS awareness week, a homecoming carnival, or a leadership conference for middle school students. Contact the news bureau for a schedule of the day’s events.

Religion Online

Author Stephen O’Leary will examine the growth of faith communities online in “The Digital Millennium” at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 19, in Wake Forest’s DeTamble Auditorium. The free program is the first in a series of lectures sponsored by the Department of Communication on rhetoric and religion and is part of the Year of Religion in American Life. O’Leary is an associate professor of communication at the University of Southern California and the author of “Arguing the Apocalypse: A Theory of Millennial Rhetoric.”

Categories: Arts & Culture, Community Impact, Happening at Wake


Media Contact

Cheryl Walker