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Student Public Art Performance Will Examine Stereotypes

Sandwiches with the crust cut off and corn dogs will be among the childhood favorites Wake Forest University senior Heather Chappell will serve as part of a performance art piece on Monday, Nov. 2, and Wednesday, Nov. 4.

The lunch box menu is part of “Good Eats,” a series of three public art performances challenging labels based on ethnicity and age. Other performances are planned for Friday, Nov. 6; Monday, Nov. 9; and Wednesday, Nov. 11.

For each performance, Chappell will set up a decorated cart and serve food from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in the courtyard between Tribble Hall and Benson University Center. A menu of food found in a child’s lunch box is intended to evoke childhood memories and comment on how “grown-ups” lose touch with their childlike qualities.

For each performance, Chappell has chosen a different menu and clothing to fit the theme. Nov. 6 will feature an ethnic menu and the menu for Nov. 9 and Nov. 11 will include food from the southern regions of other countries. Chappell, a native of Mississippi, is interested in the similarities and differences between southern fare in America and other countries, such as China and Germany.

In addition to the performance art pieces, Chappell’s sculpture “Shelf Life” will be displayed in Tribble Hall from Nov. 2 to Nov. 11. “Shelf Life” is a commentary about stereotypes used in marketing. The sculpture is a large bookcase lined with food packages that feature gender and ethnic stereotypes.

Chappell’s work was created as part of a public sculpture class and in conjunction with the Year of Globalization and Diversity, Wake Forest’s yearlong focus on the world’s development into a more global community.

For more information about events during the year, call 336-758-5788 or visit the Year of Globalization and Diversity homepage at

Categories: Arts & Culture, Experiential Learning, Happening at Wake


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