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WFU Wins Award for Campus Networking System

Wake Forest University has received an honorable mention designation in the 1998 Awards for Excellence in Campus Networking.

Presented by the higher education association EDUCAUSE, the awards recognize exemplary campus-wide network planning, management and accessibility, as well as effective use of the computer network to enhance teaching, learning, research, administration and community service.

Wake Forest’s award will be presented to university representatives Dec. 10 in Seattle at an EDUCAUSE conference.

According to EDUCAUSE, the awards selection committee saw Wake Forest as an excellent example of an institution with a clear vision, planning which integrates technology into the teaching and learning goals of the academic community, and implementation throughout the student community.

Wake Forest has received national attention in the 1990s for a technology initiative that is, perhaps, best known for providing IBM laptop computers to its students. An emphasis on mobile computing has resulted in a network that reaches all areas of campus, including classrooms, residence halls, study spaces, the library and offices.

EDUCAUSE was formed in 1998 by the consolidation of two higher education associations, CAUSE and Educom. According to EDUCAUSE, “Its mission is to help shape and enable transformational change in the higher education through the introduction, use and management of information resources and technologies in teaching, learning, scholarship, research and institutional management.

Categories: University Announcements


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