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Legal Scholar Will Speak on Ethnicity in Former Yugoslavia

Tibor Varady, a law professor from Central European University in Budapest, will present “Law and Ethnicity in the Former Yugoslavia” on Wednesday, Jan. 27, at Wake Forest University.

The free, public event will begin at 7:30 p.m. in the Scales Fine Arts Center, Room 102.

At Central European University, Varady is currently a professor with the Legal Studies Department and the chairman of the International Business Law Program. Varady has also held teaching positions at other European law schools and the University of Florida, Emory University, Cornell University and the University of California at Berkley.

In addition to his teaching career, Varady was elected to the Serbian Parliament in 1990 and the Yugoslav Parliament in 1992. He served as Yugoslavia’s minister of justice from 1992-1993.

Varady’s lecture is part of a series of events during Wake Forest’s Year of Globalization and Diversity, the university’s yearlong look at the world’s development into a more global community.

For more information about the year call 336-758-5788.

Categories: Happening at Wake


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