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Conducting business overseas focus of symposium

The challenges of conducting business in another country will be the focus of a symposium at Wake Forest University on April 12.

The symposium, “Business Men and Women Overseas: Cross-Cultural Encounters,” will begin at 7:30 p.m. in the Scales Fine Arts Center, Room 102. The symposium is free and open to the public.

Symposium participants will discuss how cultural differences affect Western business people working in another country.

The symposium will feature the following participants:

J. Kline Harrison-The Benson-Pruitt Associate Professor of Business with Wake Forest’s Wayne Calloway School of Business and Accountancy. Harrison’s expertise is focused on international human resource management. He has written numerous articles on cross-cultural management training and development.

M. David Bowe-The executive vice president of Crisis Management Worldwide, which assists multinational clients with security and risk management issues in the global marketplace.

Gary P. Ferraro-An anthropology professor at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte and director of its Intercultural Training Institute. The institute features cross-cultural trainers and educators designed to help regional organizations deal with cultural differences in the United States and abroad.

Susan McEwen-Fial-A lecturer at UNC-C. McEwen-Fial has taught a course on business and culture in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Guangzhou, and served as a chief consultant for joint venture negotiations in China.

The symposium is sponsored by the Department of Anthropology, the Deacon International Business Society and the Wake Forest’s Year of Globalization and Diversity. For more information call, 336-758-5945.

Categories: Happening at Wake, University Announcements


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