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Italian film director to visit Wake Forest

Italian filmmaker Francesco Rosi will be a guest artist at Wake Forest University and the North Carolina School of the Arts from Sept. 26-Oct. 3. At Wake Forest, the well-known director will give a public lecture and lead a discussion following the showing of one of his most recent films.

Rosi, a native of Naples, has directed 16 films, including his latest work, “The Truce,” starring John Turturro.

“Rosi stands out as the father of ‘Cinema Civile (Civil Cinema),’ a type of socially engaged filmmaking which seeks to uncover the facts behind complex and mysterious events,” says Antonio Vitti, the Wake Forest professor of Romance Languages who invited Rosi to Winston-Salem.

Rosi will give a public lecture at Wake Forest on Sept. 28. He will discuss his films at 7 p.m. in Scales Fine Arts Center, Room 102. The lecture will be given in Italian and translated by Kenan Professor of Humanities Allen Mandelbaum.

On Sept. 30, the Italian director will lead a question and answer session following a screening of his 1987 film, “Chronicle of a Death Foretold,” at 7 p.m. in Tribble Hall, Room B-216. The film has English subtitles.
Both events are free and open to the public. For information, call 758-5549.

Categories: Arts & Culture, Happening at Wake, University Announcements


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Cheryl Walker