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WFU dance concert to feature guest choreographers

Wake Forest DancerGuests artists will join the 20-member Wake Forest University Dance Company for a fall dance concert Nov. 18-20.

Performances each night will be at 8 p.m. in the Mainstage Theater of Scales Fine Arts Center.

The program will feature works choreographed by Wake Forest faculty and guest artists, including a new jazz piece by Wake Forest Dance Program Director Nina Lucas.

Wake Forest dancers also will perform a modern dance choreographed by Diane Markham, assistant dean of the North Carolina School of the Arts.

Modern works choreographed by Brenda Daniels, an instructor at the School of the Arts, will feature a solo by Lucas and a trio performance by Wake Forest Dance Company members Kendall Scully, Tracey Lewis and Lauren Hurst.

Two selections will showcase dance performances and choreography by Wake Forest faculty. Adjunct professor of theater Fanchon Cordell will perform solos by choreographer Marius Petipa. Dancers from the community ballet program will perform “Romeo and Juliet,” choreographed by Brantly Shapiro, adjunct dance instructor.

Tickets are $10 for adults, $5 for students, senior citizens and children. They may be purchased from the box office by calling 336-758-5295. The box office is open weekdays, noon-5:30 p.m. Information is also available from the theater department Web site at Theatre/.

Categories: Arts & Culture, Happening at Wake


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