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Two teachers win Marcellus E. Waddill award worth $20,000 from Wake Forest

Jeffrey MorganJeffrey Morgan of Winston-Salem and Elizabeth Fair Goffigon of Sparks, Md., are the 2001 recipients of Wake Forest University’s Marcellus E. Waddill Excellence in Teaching Awards.

They will accept the $20,000 awards during the Opening Convocation ceremony at Wake Forest in the fall.

Wake Forest annually recognizes alumni who are outstanding teachers with Waddill awards. One primary school and one secondary school teacher are chosen each year.

Morgan graduated from Wake Forest in 1995 with a master’s degree in education. He is a high school English teacher at the North Carolina School of the Arts.

Goffigon graduated from Wake Forest in 1993 with a bachelor’s degree in sociology and religion. She is a fifth-grade teacher at Sparks Elementary School.

David Waddill of Rye, N.Y., established the award in 1994 to honor his father, Marcellus Waddill of Winston Salem, who retired in 1997 after teaching mathematics at Wake Forest for 35 years.

Forty-three nominees from across the nation competed for this year’s award. Nominees must submit lesson plans, letters of recommendation and essays. Finalists are interviewed and submit a videotape of their teaching.

Categories: Community Impact, Mentorship, University Announcements


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