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WFU presents public concert as part of National Teachers of Singing conference

Wake Forest University’s Department of Music will host the fall conference for the North Carolina chapter of the National Association of Teachers of Singing on Sept. 14 and 15.

On Friday, Sept. 14, a free, public concert will feature Wake Forest music faculty and voice students performing works by 18th century Spanish composer Manuel Garcia in Brendle Recital Hall.

Guest artist James Radomski, professor of music history, ethnomusicology and humanities at California State University at San Bernardino, will perform Garcia’s music. Radomski, a baritone, has recently published the book, “Manuel Garcia (1775-1832) Chronicle of the Life of a ‘bel canto’ Tenor at the Dawn of Romanticism.” Wake Forest faculty: Teresa Radomski, soprano; Richard Heard, tenor; Patricia Dixon, guitar; Louis Goldstein and Thomas Turnbull, piano, will also perform. James Radomski is Teresa Radomski’s brother.

The program will include Garcia’s songs, operatic arias, and ensembles pieces.

For information, call 758-5364.

Categories: Arts & Culture, Happening at Wake


Media Contact

Cheryl Walker