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WFU speaker to discuss gender and the workplace

Barbara Gutek, McClelland Professor in the department of management and policy at the University of Arizona, will lead two discussions on gender and the workplace at Wake Forest University this month. The programs are sponsored by the Women’s Health Center of Excellence and the Women’s Studies Department at Wake Forest.

The programs are free and open to the public, but require registration by Sept. 24. To register, call Natalie Barrett at the Wake Forest School of Medicine at 713-4220.

On Sept. 27 at 4 p.m., Gutek will speak on “Gender and the Reasonable Woman Standard: Influences on Judgments of Sexual Harassment.” The program will be held in Benson University Center’s Pugh Auditorium on the university’s Reynolda Campus.

On Sept. 28 at 12 p.m., Gutek will lead a discussion on “The Work Environment: How it Helps or Hinders Women’s Advancement.” The program will be held in the Sticht Center Auditorium on the university’s Bowman Gray Campus. Lunch will be provided.

In May 2002, Gutek will become director of the Institute of Research on Women and Gender at the University of Michigan. She has written more than 90 articles and 12 books. Her most recent book, “Brave New Service Strategy,” was selected as one of the 30 best business books of 2000.

Categories: Happening at Wake, Research & Discovery, University Announcements


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