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Divinity School to host annual Bible study Nov. 8

Wake Forest University Divinity School will host its annual winter Bible study on Nov. 8 with speaker Diane Wudel. This event will be held from 3:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. in Wingate Hall’s lower auditorium, and pre-registration is required.

Wudel will present “What Child is This? Exploring the Gospel Infancy Narratives.” She will join the Wake Forest Divinity School faculty in the fall of 2002 as an assistant professor for New Testament studies.

Wudel began her academic career studying English literature, and eventually carried her interest in literary interpretation to the study of Biblical texts. She is now completing her doctorate degree in New Testament studies and Early Christianity at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

The $35 registration fee for the Bible study is due before Nov. 1. It includes dinner. For more information, call the Divinity School’s Vocational Development office at 336-758-3748.

Categories: Happening at Wake, University Announcements


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