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Indian poet to read from his work at WFU

Poet Saleem Peeradina will read from his work March 25 at 7 p.m. in Tribble Hall’s DeTamble Auditorium at Wake Forest University. A reception will follow. The event and reception are free and open the public.

Peeradina is the 2003 visiting writer-in-residence at Lenior Rhyne College. His poetry is included in all major anthologies of Indian literature.

Peeradina is the author of “Group Portrait,” a collection of his poetry, as well as the editor of “Contemporary Indian Poetry in English.” He received master’s degrees from Bombay University in 1969 and Wake Forest in 1973.

The event is sponsored by the Wake Forest English department. For more information, call 336-758-5383.

Categories: Arts & Culture, Happening at Wake


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