Disney Teacher of the Year book signing at WFU

“The Essential 55" book coverRon Clark, the 2000 Disney American Teacher of the Year, will sign his new book, “The Essential 55,” April 15 from noon until 2 p.m. in Wake Forest University’s College Book Store. The event is free and open to the public.

Clark, a graduate of East Carolina University, appeared on the Wake Forest campus in February when he gave a lecture titled “Teaching through Adversity—Facing Challenges and Making a Difference.”

Named Oprah Magazine’s first “Phenomenal Man,” Clark has gained national recognition for his teaching skills and ability to bring fun to learning.

In “The Essential 55,” Clark provides helpful guidelines for living both inside and outside the classroom.

Clark taught for five years in rural, eastern North Carolina until he heard of low student test scores and teacher shortages in inner city New York. He began teaching fifth-grade in Harlem’s Public School 83. At the beginning of each school year, he conveys 55 essential expectations he has of each student.

Among other essentials, Clark instructs his students in how to give a firm
handshake, look people in the eye and eat properly using the rules of etiquette. Not only do his students learn to respect themselves and others, but their academic test scores have improved dramatically.

Copies of “The Essential 55” will be available at the signing. However, those unable to attend may order a signed copy by sending a check or money order in the amount of $21.35, made payable to the College Book Store. Send requests to the attention of Beth Tedford at the College Book Store, P.O. Box 7717, Reynolda Station, Winston-Salem, N.C. 27109. Include a name, contact number and inscription information. Arrangements must be made to pick up the pre-ordered book by 5 p.m. April 16.

For more information, contact Linda Dunlap at 336-758-5990.

Categories: Community Impact, Happening at Wake


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