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University study examines campus intellectual climate

In a recent study conducted by Alan Cox, a Wake Forest University consultant, Wake Forest students suggested ways to improve the university’s intellectual climate.

Approximately 25 students participated in focus groups on campus late last fall to share their insights. The goal of the research was to better understand the nature of the campus intellectual climate from the perspective of students and to explore how intellectual climate could be fostered more.

Intellectual climate was defined in the study as “the atmosphere or context, which makes discussion, exploration, and evaluation of ‘intellectual’ issues possible and even encourages this by providing opportunities and expectations of this. Intellectual issues should address basic values and questions of life. These should be the basis for educated development of life philosophies and provide a foundation for consideration of factors which impact these philosophies.”

Among the suggestions offered were:

Categories: Campus Life, Experiential Learning, Research & Discovery, University Announcements


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Cheryl Walker