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Stories this week at WFU

WAKE FOREST NAMES NEW CHAPLAIN — Wake Forest has appointed the Rev. Timothy L. Auman as university chaplain. Since 1998, Auman has been a member of Wake Forest’s Campus Ministry staff as the United Methodist campus minister and was named the 2001 national campus minister of the year by the United Methodist Higher Education Foundation. Formerly a minister at United Methodist churches in High Point and Charlotte, Auman succeeds the Rev. Ed Christman, who retired this summer after 34 years as Wake Forest chaplain.

HOLIDAY WEEKEND GOOD TIME TO ENJOY LOCAL PARKS — The National Recreation and Park Association has declared July National Recreation and Parks Month. Wake Forest experts can comment on how people can take advantage of parks to better their lives. “When people get together to ‘recreate,’ that interpersonal contact helps build community,” says Ananda Mitra, associate professor of communication and an expert on recreation studies. “The idea of community is central to the well-being of a society.” Mitra, the author of “Research Methods in Park, Recreation and Leisure Services,” says when communities spend time together socially they begin to overcome their fears of others who may be different. Mitra was invited to give the keynote address on this subject at a recreation and parks conference last fall. Experts in Wake Forest’s health and exercise science department can also comment on the benefits of outdoor activity. To arrange interviews contact Sarah Mansell at or 336-758-4393.

LEARNING ABOUT THE LAND OF CEDAR AND SEA — Children in grades 1-5 will take an imaginary journey to America’s Northwest Coast during the Wake Forest Museum of Anthropology’s summer camp. In “Exploring the Land of Cedar and Sea,” children will learn about the Native Americans of the Northwest Coast, create bentwood boxes and button blankets, study authentic artifacts, play games and hear stories. The weeklong camp runs from 9 a.m. to noon July 7-11. For a more detailed schedule of activities or to arrange coverage, contact Cheryl V. Walker at 336-758-5237 or

HEALTH EXPERTS CAN COMMENT ON IMPROVED SNACK NUTRITION– Gary Miller, associate professor of health and exercise science and nutrition expert, is available to comment on the recent announcement by many food giants that they are cutting the fat. “It is nice though to see the companies take the initiative to attack the obesity problem,” Miller says. Paul Ribisl, Wake Forest Professor of health and exercise science and chair of the department, has studied obesity and its causes for more than 25 years. He can comment on the potential impact the changes will have on the obesity epidemic. To arrange interviews, contact Sarah Mansell at or 336-758-4393.

NEWS SERVICE CLOSED JULY 4 – The News Service, along with all administrative offices on campus, will be closed for the July 4 holiday.

Categories: Community Impact, University Announcements


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