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Vice President Zick statement regarding article in student yearbook

The following is a recent statement by Kenneth A. Zick, vice president for student life and instructional resources at Wake Forest University, to the university community regarding an article in the 2002-2003 edition of The Howler, the student yearbook at Wake Forest:

“The University administration shares the dismay of students and alumni regarding the article in the 2002-2003 Howler that takes issue with the twelve-year history of black Homecoming Kings and Queens. The article suggests that those students do not represent the student body because of its predominantly white composition. Actually, the past twelve Homecoming couples have included president’s aides, student trustees, and varsity athletes, among others, who exemplified and continue to exemplify the ideals of the University and who have been among the best that Wake Forest has to offer.

Students and alumni have encouraged the University to respond to this matter, and the University is taking immediate steps to do so.

The Constitution of the Media Board, a student organization, outlines a grievance procedure for issues such as this. Students submit a complaint in writing to the editor of the publication for first resolution. If they are dissatisfied with the resolution, the matter may then be heard by the Media Board for final resolution. The Media Board consists of the editors of all student publications, their faculty advisors, and the Vice President for Student Life. This matter will proceed with all deliberate speed.

Next week (Aug. 8), in keeping with our theme year, Fostering Dialogue 2003-2004: Civil Discourse in an Academic Community, we will have an open forum on this and other issues of race and diversity in our community. A University campus is a place where open and civil dialogue should be encouraged. Please watch for information about this forum. We encourage you to attend.

Finally, those objecting to The Howler article have stated “the yearbook must be approved by certain administrators before going to print.” The Wake Forest University administration does not edit student publications. It is not correct that an administrator signs off on the yearbook.”

Categories: University Announcements


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