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Advisory: Political communication expert available for debate analysis

The upcoming Feb. 26 and Feb. 29 Democratic debates have the potential of exposing the weaknesses of Sen. John Kerry more than Sen. John Edwards, says a political debate expert at Wake Forest University.

“Edwards is skilled at addressing the unexpected moments that arise in debate situations,” says Allan Louden, an associate professor of communication and director of Wake Forest’s nationally ranked debate program. “Kerry is more formulated in his answers, and that may hurt him.”

Louden, who is teaching political communication this semester, was the debate coach to one of the candidates for North Carolina senate in 2002 and continues to serve as a campaign communication consultant to political figures across the country. He says for one candidate to come out on top, voters need a reason to split one way or the other.

“Edwards needs to go on the attack,” he says. “People need a reason not to go to Kerry, and now is the time for Edwards to make that distinction.”

Louden says Kerry should also use an attack strategy, but says both camps will likely use it cautiously – Kerry so as not to create a “good guy/bad guy” race, and Edwards so as not to contradict his already established “nice guy” image.

Louden is available for comment on the Democratic debates. He is experienced with national print and broadcast media interviews. Contact him at, 336-758-5408; or through Sarah Mansell at, 336-758-5237.

Additional Quotes from Allan Louden:

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