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Stories this week at WFU

MCDONALDS’ LOSES THE SUPER SIZE, WILL AMERICANS? – McDonald’s announced this week that it is getting rid of the extra-large “Super Size” portions that had become one of its signatures. Paul Ribisl, chair and professor of health and exercise science at Wake Forest, says the move is a step in the right direction for treating America’s obesity epidemic, but only the beginning in reversing the trend. “The most effective strategy is to alter environmental factors that foster dietary over-consumption and physical inactivity,” he says. Ribisl has written numerous articles about the causes and health consequences of obesity including “Obesity: The Influence of Genetics, Diet and Physical Activity” and “The Next Obesity-Related Epidemic: Adult Onset Diabetes in Children.” He was a featured speaker at two international conferences on obesity this fall.
Contact: Sarah Mansell, or 336-758-5237.

COLLEGE SPORTS AS ENTERTAINMENT BUSINESS – What is the relationship between intercollegiate athletics and academics? Earl Smith, Rubin Professor of American Ethnic Studies at Wake Forest, is available to discuss the complex issue of sports and higher education. “These athletic programs, usually under the supervising structure of the athletics department and governed by the organizational rules of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), operate a form of entertainment business within the academic setting,” says Smith, who has written extensively about issues of race, sports and society. Smith will present a lecture titled “The Modern World System: Academics and Athletics in the New Millennium” at 4 p.m. March 18 in Greene Hall, Room 145. The speech is free and open to the public.
Contact: Cheryl V. Walker, or 336-758-5237.

NUTRITION EXPERT AVAILABLE TO DISCUSS HEALTHY EATING – Associate Professor of Health and Exercise Science Gary Miller is available for interviews for stories about health and nutrition in connection to National Nutrition Month (March). Miller is an expert in nutrition and teaches “Nutrition in Health and Disease,” among other courses.
Contact: Sarah Mansell, or 336-758-5237.

IT’S ALL ABOUT “CAOIL AGUS CRAIC” (SINGING AND A GOOD TIME) AT IRISH FESTIVAL COMMUNITY DAY – Wake Forest University Press, the premier publisher of Irish poetry in North America, will kick off its 7th Annual Wake Forest Irish Festival March 13 with the Irish Festival Community Day. The event, which is free and open to the public, will be held from 12 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. at Davis Field on Wake Forest’s campus. In past years, crowds exceeding 3,500 people have enjoyed the festival’s wide variety of Irish cultural activities, including music, dancing, storytelling and art and craft activities. Celtic instruments, books, arts and crafts as well as Irish food will also be available for purchase. The six-day festival runs through March 19. A full story with details on all activities is available on the News Service Web site.
Contact: Pam Barrett, or 336-758-5237.

Categories: Arts & Culture, Happening at Wake


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