WFU welcomes incoming freshman class

Freshman Elizabeth Bell and her father, Bill, move her belongings into Collins Residence Hall August 18.

Freshman Elizabeth Bell and her father, Bill, move her belongings into Collins Residence Hall August 18.

Wake Forest University expects 1,125 incoming freshmen to arrive on campus Aug. 18.

Freshmen will move into their residence halls throughout the day beginning at 8 a.m. Nearly all freshmen will live on campus. Sophomores, juniors and seniors will move into their rooms Aug. 21 and 22.

Classes for all undergraduates will begin Aug. 25.

This year’s freshman class represents 46 states and seven foreign countries. Twenty-four percent are North Carolina residents.

Thirty-eight percent of the students graduated within the top 5 percent of their high school classes. The incoming class includes 561 women and 564 men. Fourteen percent are minorities.

Orientation for the Divinity School’s 32 new students begins Aug. 20. The Graduate School of Arts and Sciences begins orientation for its 172 new students Aug. 23. Classes for both schools begin Aug. 25.

Orientation for the 117 new full-time MBA students began Aug. 16. Classes for the full-time program in the Babcock Graduate School of Management begin Aug. 23.

Orientation and classes began for the 158 first-year students in the School of Law Aug. 16.

Categories: Campus Life, Experiential Learning


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