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January-February calendar of events

Through Jan. 15
Exhibit: “Tokens of Thanks: Ex-votos from Brazil and Mexico.” Museum of Anthropology. Bilingual exhibit featuring more than 100 objects made of wood, metal, wax and cloth.
10 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Tuesday – Saturday.
Free. (336) 758-5282.

Through Feb. 1
Exhibit: “2004 WFU Faculty and Staff Exhibition.” Charlotte and Philip Hanes Art Gallery. Exhibit featuring more than 40 multimedia works by 14 Wake Forest art department faculty and staff members.
10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Monday – Friday; 1 p.m. – 5 p.m. weekends.
Free. (336) 758-5585.

Feb. 11 – March 24
Exhibit: “Young Americans – Modern Romanticism” and “Memoirs of a Beast.” Charlotte and Philip Hanes Art Gallery. Downstairs gallery features “Young Americans – Modern Romanticism,” an exhibit of various artists addressing current issues and popular culture through classical or traditional media. Upstairs gallery features “Memoirs of a Beast,” a mixed media installation by Judith Page.
10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Monday – Friday; 1 p.m. – 5 p.m. weekends.
Free. (336) 758-5585.

Feb. 11 – May 21
Exhibit: “Spirit Influences on the Arts of Power: The David and Karina Rilling Collection of African Art.” Museum of Anthropology. Exhibit featuring art objects viewed as hosts for spirit powers and emblems of secular and political powers.
10 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Tuesday – Saturday.
Free. (336) 758-5282.


Jan. 4
Registration. 2005 MOA Summer Camp: “Arctic Cultures.” Week-long summer camp for grades 1-5. 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. daily. Camp dates: June 13-17; June 20-24; June 27- July 1; July 11-15.
$85/week; $70 for members. (336) 758-5282 or

Jan. 15-16
Film Forum: “The Fine Art of the Film Actor: A Conversation with Pat Hingle.” Pugh Auditorium, Benson University Center. Weekend-long forum focusing on Tony Award-nominated actor Pat Hingle.

Jan. 15:
2 p.m., “The Road to Redemption” screening;
4 p.m., “Splendor in the Grass” screening.

Jan. 16:
1 p.m., screening of various film scenes with comments from Hingle;
4 p.m. “Splendor in the Grass” screening with comments from Hingle.

Free. (336) 758-3371 or

Jan. 20
Concert: An Evening of Italian Song. 8 p.m. Brendle Recital Hall. Featuring Richard Heard, tenor, and Pamela Howland, piano.
Free. (336) 758-5364.

Jan. 26
Lecture: Bill Rancic, first-season winner of “The Apprentice.” 8 p.m. Benson University Center. Book signing to follow at College Bookstore.
$10 general public; $5 WFU students; tickets available at Benson University Box Office. (336) 758-5697.

Jan. 28
Concert: A Special Dedicatory Recital. 8 p.m. Brendle Recital Hall. Featuring Andrew Willis, forte piano.
Free. (336) 758-5364.

Jan. 29
Chinese New Year Festival. 11:30 a.m. – 3 p.m. Reynolds Gym, Room 201. Free. (336) 758-5675.

Jan. 31
Babcock Lecture: Jeffrey Hollender, CEO, Seventh Generation. 2 p.m. Worrell Professional Center, Room 1312.
Free. (336) 758-5421.


Feb 2
Economics Film Series: “Life and Debt.” 7 p.m. Annenberg Forum, Carswell Hall, Room 111.
Free. (336) 758-5923.

Feb. 4
Concert: Holland & Corn. 8 p.m. Brendle Recital Hall. Guest recital featuring classical guitar duo Murray Holland and Duane Corn. Free. (336) 758-5364.

Feb. 11
Exhibit Opening & Reception. “Young Americans – Modern Romanticism” and “Memoirs of a Beast.” 7 p.m. Charlotte and Philip Hanes Art Gallery. Artist and curators will be present.
Free. (336) 758-5585.

Feb. 11-12; 16-20
Play: “Antigone.” 7:30 p.m. Feb. 11-12 and Feb. 16-19; 2 p.m. Feb. 20. Wake Forest University MainStage Theatre.
$12 general admission; $5 students. Wake Forest Theatre Box Office, (336) 758-5295, Monday – Friday, 12 – 5 p.m.

Feb. 12
Secrest Artists Series. Violinist Joshua Bell. 7:30 p.m. Wait Chapel.
$25; $18 non-WFU students, senior citizens. University Theatre Box Office (336) 758-5295.

Feb. 12
Senior Voice Recital. 8 p.m. Brendle Recital Hall. Featuring Christopher Magiera, baritone.
Free. (336) 758-5364.

Feb. 13
Benefit Concert for Cancer Services. 3 p.m. Brendle Recital Hall. Featuring Diane Thornton, mezzo-soprano, and Ruskin Cooper, piano. All proceeds benefit local cancer survivors and their families.
Free. Donations received. (336) 758-5364.

Feb. 19
Senior Voice Recital. 3 p.m. Brendle Recital Hall. Featuring Sarah Reynolds, soprano. Free. (336) 758-5364.

Feb. 20
Senior Clarinet Recital. 3 p.m. Brendle Recital Hall. Featuring Catherine Keen, clarinet. Free. (336) 758-5364.

Feb 22
Economics Film Series: “Good Bye Lenin!” 7 p.m. Annenberg Forum, Carswell Hall, Room 111.
Free. (336) 758-5923.

Feb. 24
Lecture: Laura Wells. 4:30 p.m. DeTamble Auditorium, Tribble Hall. Free. (336) 758-6143.

Lecture: Theda Skocpol. “Voice and Inequality: The Transformation of American Civic Democracy”
Time TBA. Pugh Auditorium, Benson University Center. Free. (336) 758-5495.

Feb. 25
Recital. 8 p.m. Reynolda House. Featuring Peter Kairoff, piano, and Kevin Lawrence, violin.
Free. (336) 758-5364.

Feb. 26
Competitions in Musical Performance. 1 p.m. vocal and instrumental competition; 6 p.m. piano competition. Brendle Recital Hall. Snow date: Feb. 27.
Free. (336) 758-5364.

Feb. 28
After-School Program: “Brass Leopards.” 4:15 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. Museum of Anthropology. Grades 1-5.
$35/series; $32 for members. $15/session; $12 members. Registration required. (336) 758-5282.

Categories: Happening at Wake


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