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WFU theatre presents ‘Gint’

The Wake Forest University Theatre’s 2005-2006 season will continue with the production of “Gint” by Romulus Linney. Performances will be held at the MainStage Theatre in Scales Fine Arts Center at 7:30 p.m. Feb. 10-11 and 15-18 and at 2 p.m. Feb. 19.



“Gint” is a re-telling of Ibsen’s classic tale “Peer Gynt.” Directed by Sharon Andrews, associate professor of theatre, the play unfolds like a strange dream and tells the story of Pete Gint, a young man living in the Appalachian Mountains in 1917. The plot follows Pete as he goes out into the world, becomes an old man, and begins a nightmarish journey home.

The cast includes Wake Forest students Erich Jones, Marla DuMont, Lisa Whitaker, Melissa Gervasio, Dowd Keith, Leah Roo-Kharasch, Dan Applegate, Matt Creacy, Drew Grindrod and Adam Humenansky. Zach Tysinger will stage manage the production.

Tickets are $12, $5 for students, and may be purchased at the Theatre Box Office or by calling 336-758-5295. The box office is open weekdays, noon-5 p.m.

For more information, visit the Wake Forest University Theatre’s Web site at

Categories: Arts & Culture, Happening at Wake


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