The world of ideas
Representatives from 22 departments and other areas of the University will share their best teaching practices during the annual Teaching and Learning Fair on Feb. 25. The fair will be held from 2 to 4 p.m. in the Benson University Center, room 401.

Sharon Woodard
The fair, sponsored by the Teaching and Learning Center, is designed to offer practical and interactive exhibits on new curricular tools and tried-and-true pedagogic approaches to stimulate learning. The event is open to faculty and staff and graduate and professional students from throughout the University. Presenters include:
Babcock Graduate School of Management: Jonathan Pinder, Associate Professor — “Agent-Based Modeling for Economic Decisions”
Biology: Pat Lord, Lecturer — “I Am Only Taking This Course Because It Fulfills A Divisional Requirement: Will Civic Engagement Improve Students’ Attitudes And Performances In Bio101?”
Chemistry: Angela King, Senior Lecturer — “Teaching the Initially Uninterested: A Divisional Course Comes to Life”
Classical Languages: Mary Pendergraft, Professor — “Latin in the Digital Age”
Computer Science: Jennifer Burg, Associate Professor — “Linking Science, Art, and Practice through Digital Sound”
School of Divinity: Diane Lipsett, Assistant Professor — “The Mark-Up: A Preliminary Exercise in Analyzing Texts”
Economics: Kosmas Marinakis, Visiting Assistant Professor — “Incentives in College Teaching: Experimental Evidence”
Education: Adam Friedman, Assistant Professor — “Teaching 2.0: Strategies and Ideas for 21st Century Learners”
English: Trevor Dodman, Visiting Assistant Professor — “Collaborative War Memorial Project”
German and Russian: Alyssa Howards, Assistant Professor — “German-Language Portrayals of the United States”
Health and Exercise Science: Sharon Woodard, Senior Lecturer — “An Interactive Classroom is Only a ‘Click’ Away”
History: Robert Hellyer, Assistant Professor — “Making a Global Past Relevant to Today: Strategies in the History Classroom”
Humanities: William Hamilton, Associate Dean of the College — “Humanities Courses: Offering Both the Oldest and the Newest Teaching Methods”
Mathematics: Julie Connolly, Senior Lecturer — “The Math Center at Wake Forest”
Music: Jacqueline Carrasco, Associate Professor — “Developing Collaborative Skills and Creativity Through Chamber Music”
Philosophy: Adrian Bardon, Associate Professor — “Peer Grading Of Student Presentations”
Physics: Fred Salsbury, Associate Professor — “New Techniques and Technology in Teaching Introductory and Advanced Physics”
Political Science: David Coates, Professor — “The Comparative Politics of Welfare States”
Romance Languages: Sally Barbour, Professor — “Translingual and Transcultural Competence in the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures”
Teaching Innovation Award Winners 2007-2008: Ulrike Wiethaus, Professor (Humanities); Gillian Overton, Professor (English) — “Interdisciplinary Pedagogy in the Humanities”
Theatre and Dance: Leah Roy, Lecturer — “ClassAct: Bringing Dramatic Literature to Life”
ZSR Library: Lauren Pressley, Librarian — “Research and Instruction Teaching Information Skills in the 21st Century”
Categories: Research & Discovery, University Announcements
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