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September 2009 Faculty Focus


  • Ken Robinson
    has received funding from the Uwharrie National Forest for his proposal, “Archaeology Assessment, Uwharrie River Access, Montgomery County, NC.”


  • Erik Johnson
    received funding from the National Science Foundation for his proposal, “The Roles of the AMP-activated Kinase in Metabolic Homeostasis in Drosophila.”


  • Stephen King
    received funding from the National Institutes of Health for his proposal, “The Nitroxyl and Nitric Oxide Producing Reactions of Hydroxyurea and Related Compounds,” and from the Petroleum Research Fund for his proposal, “Synthesis of Hydroxamic Acids Through-NOH Insertion of Ketones.”
  • Abdou Lachgar
    received funding from R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company for his proposal, “Design and Synthesis of Metal-Organic Materials for Selective Tobacco Smoke Filtration and Waste Water Purification.”


  • Peter Brunette
    attended the Cannes Film Festival and directed a seven-week Wake Forest study abroad program in Fez, Morocco.
  • Annegret Hannawa
    published a paper, “Negotiating Medical Virtues: Toward the Development of a Physician Mistake Disclosure Model,” in Vol. 24 of Health Communication, 391-399.
  • Allan Louden
    received funding from the U.S. Department of State for his proposal, “BFTI Grant-Embassy Funding.” He presented an invited lecture at the Historically Black Colleges and University Debate Workshop at the University of Mary Washington in Fredericksburg, VA.
  • Allan Louden and Linda Petrou
    hosted the 2009 Ben Franklin Transatlantic Fellows Initiative in Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria.
  • Alessandra Beasley Von Burg
    hosted a panel, “Citizenship, Mobility and Inclusion,” featuring national media experts on Roma life in Bulgaria at the Ben Franklin Transatlantic Fellows Conference in Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria.

Computer Science

  • Errin Fulp
    and two graduate students, Wes Featherstun (’08) and Brian Williams (’08), worked at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. They were developing a nature-inspired computer security framework of software-agents modeled on actual ants searching and defending against a wide range of cyber threats.

Computer Science and Physics

  • Jacque Fetrow
    received funding from the Arthritis Foundation and Wake Forest University Health Sciences for her proposal, “A Systems Biology Approach for Discovery of Novel Pathways in Osteoarthritis.”


  • Perry Patterson
    has been named associate dean of academic advising.

Health & Exercise Science

  • Jeffrey Katula
    received funding from the National Institutes of Health for his proposal, “Translating Research in Practice (TRIP).”
  • Steve Messier
    received funding from the National Institutes of Health for his proposal, “Intensive Dietary Restriction with Exercise in Arthritis.”


  • Kenneth Berenhaut
    has received funding from the Brigham Young University Center for Undergraduate Research in Mathematics for his proposal, “CURM Mini Grant.”
  • Gaylord May
    has retired.


  • Susan Borwick
    had an article, “Johanna Beyer’s Sticky Melodies,” published in the Journal of the Society for American Music (August 2009).
  • Patricia Dixon
    taught at the Fourth Encounter of Classical Guitar in Northern Patagonia at the Teatro del Lago in Frutillar, Chile, where 45 students attended from Chile and Argentina.


  • Paul Anderson
    received funding from the National Science Foundation for his proposal, “Studies of Quantum Fields in Cosmological and Black Hole Spacetimes.”
  • David Carroll
    received funding from FiberCell Inc. for his proposal, “FiberCell,” and from PureLux Inc. for his proposal, “PureLux, Formerly PlexiLight.”
  • Martin Guthold
    received funding from the American Heart Association for his proposal, “The Mechanical Properties of Native and Variant Fibrin Fibers.”
  • Jed Macosko
    received funding from the MacArthur Foundation for his proposal, “Cellcraft: Exploring the Cell Through Computer Games.”
  • Freddie Salsbury
    received funding from the N.C. Biotechnology Center and Wake Forest University Health Sciences for his proposal, “Drug, Design, Discovery and Development – Molecules to Medicine.”

Political Science

  • Michaelle Browers
    has published a book, “Political Ideology in the Arab World: Accommodation and Transformation” (Cambridge University Press, 2009).
  • Luis Roniger
    was a research fellow and co-director of an international research group on citizenship in Latin America and was in residence at the Institute of Advanced Studies of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He co-organized a four-day international workshop, “Contesting Liberal Citizenship in Latin America.” He published a paper, “Anti-Semitism: Real or Imagined? Chavez, Iran, Israel and the Jews,” in the Vidal Sassoon International Center for the Study of Anti-Semitism No. 33 Analysis of Current Trends in Anti-Semitism (Jerusalem: SICSA, 2009).


  • LeRhonda Manigault
    received funding from the Louisville Institute for her proposal, “Ah Tulk to de Dead all de Time.”

Schools of Business

  • David Patterson
    has been named assistant dean of administration.
  • Len Preslar has been named executive director of Health Management Programs and Distinguished Professor of Practice.


  • John Baillie
    is one of two U.S.-based gastroenterologists invited to participate in Syrian Digestive Disease Week in Damascus, Syria.
  • Michael Cartwright,
    neurology, received funding from the National Institutes of Health to explore using neuromuscular ultrasound to diagnose and treat patients with focal neuropathies, including carpal tunnel syndrome and ulnar neuropathy.
  • Steven Elbein
    has been named a professor of internal medicine and chief of the section on endocrinology and metabolism.
  • Barry Freedman,
    nephrology, has been named a Health Care Hero “Innovator” by The Business Journal.
  • Richard Loeser,
    molecular medicine and internal medicine, has been named chairman of the Skeletal Biology Structure and Regeneration Study Section of the Center for Scientific Review.

Categories: Research & Discovery


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