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February 2010 Faculty Focus


  • Gloria Muday
    received funding from the U. S. Department of Agriculture for her proposal, “Auxin and Ethylene Cross Talk in Regulation of Root Development in Tomato.”


  • Christa Colyer
    received funding from the National Science Foundation for her proposal, “Acquisition of a User-accessible Q-TOF Mass Spectrometer.”
  • Mark Welker
    received funding from the National Science Foundation for his proposal, “Sequential Reactions of Main Group Element-Substituted Dienes.”


  • Michael Hyde
    published a book, “Perfection: Coming to Terms with Being Human” (Baylor University Press, February 2010), exploring the history of the idea of human perfection throughout Western philosophy, religion, science, and art.
  • Marina Krcmar
    was featured in the Winston-Salem Journal, on FOX8 and Newswire discussing her first-year seminar, “Video Games: Research and Theory.”
  • John Llewellyn
    participated in a panel discussion with politicians, professors and campaign veterans on the upcoming 5th district race in Northwestern North Carolina.
  • Allan Louden
    presented a talk, “Healing the Body Politic: Political Ads and the Health Care Debate,” at the Shepherd’s Center in Winston-Salem.
  • Ananda Mitra
    was quoted in the economic section of the India Times on “How Facebook Gives Rise to New Words.”
  • Randall Rogan
    accepted the position of associate dean for faculty development in the College, effective July 2010.


  • Sam Gladding
    was elected president of the American Association of State Counseling Boards, which regulates the practice of counseling in all 50 states.


  • Sylvain Boko
    co-edited a book, “Back on Track: Sector-Led Growth in Africa and Implications for Development” (Africa World Press, 2010).
  • Donald Frey
    had his book, “America’s Economic Moralists: A History of Rival Ethics and Economics,” issued in a paperback edition (January 2010).

Health and Exercise Science

  • Tony Marsh
    received funding from the National Institutes of Health and Wake Forest University Health Sciences for his proposal, “Physical Exercise to Prevent Disability Pilot Study – LIFE Field Center.”


  • Bob Plemmons
    received funding from the Air Force Office of Scientific Research and the University of New Mexico for his proposal, “Combining Imaging and Nonimaging Observations for Improved Space Object Identification.”


  • Peter Kairoff
    delivered a paper on the music of Alban Berg and Arnold Schoenberg at the Suerini Stampalia Research Center in Venice, Italy. Schoenberg’s daughter, Nuria Schoenberg Nono, was the respondent.
  • David Levy
    was a guest speaker with the Audubon String Quartet’s performances of the complete string quartets of Beethoven at the Shenandoah Conservatory of Music in Winchester, VA. He will give additional presentations with the Audubon Quartet in Reston, VA , in March.
  • Dan Locklair
    has a new CD, “The Music of Dan Locklair,” with organist Marilyn Keiser.


  • David Carroll
    received funding from the Air Force Office of Scientific Research and Kent State University for his proposal, “MURI on Self-Assembled Soft Optical NIMS (Negative Index Materials),” from FiberCell Inc. for his proposal, “FiberCell,” from PureLux Inc. for his proposal, “PureLux, formerly PlexiLight,” and from the U.S. Department of Energy and the University of South Carolina for his proposal, “Hybrid Organic-inorganic Composite Solar Cells for Efficient, Low-cost, Photoelectric Energy Conversion.”


  • Terry Blumenthal
    co-published papers appearing in the International Journal of Psychophysiology, Brain and Cognition and Experimental Brain Research. He presented invited talks at the University of Wurzburg and the University of Trier in Germany and at the University of Basel in Switzerland.
  • Janine Jennings
    received funding from the National Institutes of Health and Wake Forest University Health Sciences for her proposal, “LIFE Data Management, Analysis, and Quality Control Center.”

Z. Smith Reynolds Library

  • Lauren Pressley
    was named to the Library and Information Technology Association’s Top Technology Trends panel at the semi-annual meeting of the American Library Association in Boston. This panel in the library technology field predicts next year’s top trends.

Categories: Research & Discovery


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