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What’s on your bucket list?

Window on Wake Forest asked some students what was on their ‘bucket list’ of the things they wanted to do before they graduated.

Janelle SummervilleName: Janelle S. Summerville
Major: Psychology
Hometown: Stafford, Virginia
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1. Go to Pilot Mountain
2. Visit all the Art-O-Mats in Winston
3. Have a dance party in my freshman dorm room with my roommate from freshman year (and best friend)
4. Visit the Old Campus
5. Take Dr. (Eric) Stone to dinner

Rich McPhersonName: Rich McPherson
Degree: Law
Hometown: Potomac, Maryland
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1. Play a few more games of pickup in the gym
2. Eat at Bell Brothers
3. Play golf at Reynolds Park
4. Run the trail to Reynolda Village
5. Take my last law school exam!

Anna NicodemusName: Anna Nicodemus
Major: History
Minor: French
Hometown: Walkersville, Maryland
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1. Take a walk through the Reynolda rose gardens and visit the Reynolda House art museum
2. Climb up to the top of the bell tower
3. Finish tasting all the flavors of Cook-Out milkshakes (I only have a few more to go!)
4. Finish those exams and spend a week at the beach with my friends
5. Thank my professors and friends for all they have taught me these past four years

Melissa BeckettName: Melissa Beckett
Major: Communication
Minor: Humanities
Hometown: Dallas, Texas
More on Melissa »

1. Hug Dr. Hatch at graduation
2. Watch the sun set over the trees on Davis field
3. Write thank you notes to the professors and mentors who have guided me throughout these four years (I have a lot of notes to write!!)
4. Pull an all-nighter in ZSR with all my best friends
5. Eat dinner at one of my professor’s houses

Cameron EvansName: Cameron J. Evans
Major: Economics
Minor: Entrepreneurship and Social Enterprise
Hometown: Gifford, South Carolina
More on Cameron »

1. Attend a Winston-Salem Dash baseball game in the new stadium
2. Have dinner at Noble’s Bar and Grill
3. Attend some senior student art shows
4. Play basketball in Reynolds Gym for the last time

Monica KittName: Monica Kitt
Majors: Business and Chinese Language and Culture
Minor: International Studies
Hometown: Plano, Texas
More on Monica »

1. Finish the combined 40+ pages of finals papers
2. Hike Pilot Mountain
3. Make a visit (or a few) to the Spanish Galleon in Myrtle Beach
4. Walk around Old Salem
5. Finally fully understand Tribble Hall’s awkward split levels

Categories: Experiential Learning, Happening at Wake, University Announcements


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