June 2010 Faculty Focus
- Bill Conner
received funding from the National Science Foundation for his proposal, “Acoustic Aposematism, Mimicry and Sonar Jamming in the Bat-Moth Arms Race.”
- Peter Brunette
was interviewed in New York by The Criterion Collection for a documentary to accompany their DVD release of Luchino Visconti’s 1954 film “Senso.”
- Allan Louden, Linda Petrou and Alessandra Beasley Von Burg
received funding from the U.S. Department of State to host the Benjamin Franklin Transatlantic Fellow Summer Institute for students from approximately 40 countries and the United States in July.
- Ananda Mitra
was quoted in a New York Times article, “Bollywood Composer Seeks Global Pop Stardom.”
Computer Science
- Paul Pauca
received funding from the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity and Carnegie Mellon University for his proposal, “Challenging Ocular Image Recognition.”
- Herman Preseren
created a book of Wake Forest faculty who served during World War II. He was honored on his 97th birthday with a cake from fellow veteran Harold Wingert and his wife, Mary, who helped set up Student Health Services on the Reynolda Campus. Preseren is a professor emeritus, a retired U.S. Air Force Lt. Colonel and the last living member of his high school class. He continues to write for the Reserve Officers Association Newsletter. An article was written about him in the September 2001 Wake Forest Magazine.
- Dan Locklair
had his Toccata from “In Mystery and Wonder” performed at the dedication concerts for the pipe organ at Indiana University. His “Sonata da Chiesa” for flute and organ was performed at the Piccolo Spoleto Festival in Charleston, SC. He was inducted into the International Peace Autograph Project Exhibit of the International Museum of Peace and Solidarity in Samarkand, Uzbekistan.
- Oana Jurchescu
received funding from the Oak Ridge Associated Universities for her proposal, “Low-cost Organic Electronics: Let Molecules do the Work.”
- Daniel Kim-Shapiro
received funding from the National Institutes of Health for his proposal, “Effects of Nitric Oxide in Sickle Cell Blood.”
- Lynn Neal
co-edited “Religious Intolerance in America: A Documentary History” (University of North Carolina Press, May 2010).
School of Divinity
- Gail O’Day
has been named dean and professor of New Testament and Preaching.
School of Law
- Bob Walsh
received the American Bar Association’s Kutak Award, a national award from the Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar.
- Cynthia Gendrich
received funding from the National Endowment for the Humanities for her proposal, “Enduring Question: ‘Why Do People Laugh?’”
Z. Smith Reynolds Library
- Dean Lynn Sutton (top center) announced the 2010 employee recognition winners shown in the photo as follows: Barry Davis, Unsung Hero Award (top left); Travis Manning, Dedicated Deacon Award (top right); Becky Whaples, Student Employee of the Year Award (bottom left); Linda Ziglar, Helping Hand Award (bottom center); and Heather Gillette, Employee of the Year Award (bottom right).