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Students take fall service trip

Wake Forest students at Cove Creek FarmTen students spent fall break, Oct. 15-17 on a service trip to Cove Creek Farm, a residential retreat for at-risk young men and their families near Boone, N.C.

The group traveled to Sugar Grove, N.C.,  to help with painting and other projects. Wake Forest has traditionally offered spring break service trips, but this was the first fall break service trip offered by the university.  It was organized through Wake Forest’s Volunteer Service Corps.

At Cove Creek Farm, the residents live in a large farm house, sharing 25 acres of pasture and woodland with an abundance of animals.

Students helped renovate rooms in the historic house, removing all the belongings from each room and painting the walls in bright colors for the residents to enjoy.

Wake Forest students work to make a difference in the lives of others.

Categories: Community Impact, Experiential Learning, Pro Humanitate


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