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Inspiring ideas at TEDxWakeForestU

“I learned that sometimes you have to take a deep breath, close your eyes and relax, even when you are in the midst of a storm,” said Mariama Holman (’12), a business and enterprise management major. “There are also times where you have to laugh at yourself and not take yourself so seriously.”

For Holman, the creative director for TEDxWakeForestU, explaining and discussing abstract visual design themes with her team of student organizers and a group of UNCG design students required late nights, Skype and a sense of humor. But when all the planning came together at the event on Saturday, Feb. 25, in Wait Chapel, the audience of 1,400 walked away inspired and exhilarated.

Eighteen speakers took the stage, talking about technology, social impact and entrepreneurship, following the TED mission of “Ideas Worth Spreading.”

Lucy Lan, (’12) a chemistry major and lead organizer, said her favorite moments at TEDx might have even come between the talks. “The intense mingling and interactions between students, community members and speakers before and after the event, during breaks, and during the networking dinner was impressive. I loved how innovative ideas were being spread in the moment by excited participants.”

Videos of each talk from the day will be available soon.

You can see for yourself how the ideas spread through the audience in this review of the day, tweet by tweet.

[wfu_storify username=’stephskordas’ slug=’tedxwakeforestu-tweet-by-tweet’ title=”TEDxWakeForestU Highlights”]

Categories: Community Impact, Entrepreneurship & Innovation, Experiential Learning, Happening at Wake, Leadership & Character, Research & Discovery, University Announcements


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