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Stress relief during exam week

A biplane pulls a banner proclaiming “Good Luck on Exams!” Likenesses of President and Mrs. Hatch sit in a wading pool that hangs above the library atrium. This semester’s exam week Wake the Library features beach-themed decorations to provide inspiration amid hours of serious final exam studying.

Through May 10, hundreds of students will spend many hours in study groups, at tables and sleeping on couches throughout the Z. Smith Reynolds library. They will also enjoy library-centered stress relievers including a graffiti board and student initiated dance breaks

Wake the Library began in 2006 and has grown to be a much-anticipated tradition.

The library’s 29 librarians and 23 staff members understand that, especially during exam time, students welcome extra support and a break from the hours spent slumping over keyboards and books. Raves, midnight snacks, Twitter feeds and an active Facebook page show the library’s commitment to reaching out to students.

A campus-wide effort to increase study spaces has eased the competition for prime study spots in the library this semester, but one special “study box” was created by the Library for those students who are looking for a cozier, private atrium experience this exam week

During Wake the Library, the library provides food each night at midnight. Water and fruit, which are available every night of finals week, are coupled with selections of pizza, subs, chicken sandwiches and burritos. Midnight snack menus are posted on the Z. Smith Reynolds Library Facebook page each day.

Coffee, an essential commodity for many students during this time, is provided free. Approximately 2,000 cups have been ordered to sustain students through finals. In support of the University’s “green” initiatives, the library is asking students to bring their own reusable mugs. Cups, for those who forgot to bring one, will be available upon request at the circulation desk. There is no limit to refills.

The Z. Smith Reynolds Library Twitter feed will be posting current information and friendly tips throughout Wake the Library.

Categories: Campus Life, Experiential Learning, Happening at Wake


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