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Media Advisory: The 50th Annual Wake Forest University Lovefeast

Who and What: In 1965, Moravian student Jane Sherrill Stroupe (‘67) organized the first lovefeast at Wake Forest University with 200 students. Fifty years later, the Wake Forest Lovefeast is the largest Moravian-style lovefeast in North America and a favorite University and community tradition (2013 Flickr gallery). Stroupe, who will give the Moravian blessing at the 50th Annual Lovefeast, will be available at select times for interviews prior to the service.

A lovefeast is a service dedicated to Christian love that seeks to remove social barriers and encourage unity and respect. Luminaries will line Hearn Plaza and Christmas decorations will adorn the Chapel. In addition to the blessing by Stroupe, the service will include a message by Provost Emeritus Edwin Wilson (‘43), and music by the concert choir, flute choir and the Traditional Moravian Band (2013 video of the full service).

When: Sunday, Dec. 7 at 8 p.m.

Where: Wait Chapel at Wake Forest University

Cost: A lovefeast is an opportunity for all ages to come together for fellowship. The service is free and open to the public, but due to the 50th annual celebration, the chapel will likely fill quickly. Seating is first come, first served. Media can reserve space by calling the Wake Forest News Office at 336-758-5237, if they plan to attend.

Video of the 50th Annual Lovefeast will be streamed live and will begin promptly at 8 p.m. To watch, please visit

About Wake Forest University

Wake Forest University combines the best traditions of a small liberal arts college with the resources of a large research university. Founded in 1834, the school is located in Winston-Salem, N.C. The University’s graduate school of arts and sciences, divinity school, and nationally ranked schools of law, medicine and business enrich our intellectual environment. Learn more about Wake Forest University at



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