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Media Advisory: WFU Best Buddies celebrates inclusion with Friendship Walk

What: Wake Forest University’s chapter of Best Buddies – an international organization that creates friendship and leadership opportunities for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) – will celebrate friendship and acceptance during its first annual Friendship Walk.

During the event, students, their buddies and the Winston-Salem community will participate in various activities including a walk of solidarity, a bounce house, guest speakers and a few performances.

When: Sat., April 11 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Where: Reynolda Village

Why: Students recently started a Wake Forest chapter of Best Buddies, which pairs students with adults in the community with IDD into one to one friendships. There are currently 25 Wake Forest students paired with buddies from Carver High School as well as approximately 20 associate members who support the organization.

“My experience with Best Buddies has been the most meaningful and fulfilling experience I have ever had,” said Wake Forest Best Buddies president Sarah Fine. “It has taught me about my passions and priorities, and it has introduced me to one of my best friends.”

Cost: Free and open to the public. Register for the walk here.

About Wake Forest University:

Wake Forest University combines the best traditions of a small liberal arts college with the resources of a large research university. Founded in 1834, the school is located in Winston-Salem, N.C. The University’s graduate school of arts and sciences, divinity school, and nationally ranked schools of law, medicine and business enrich our intellectual environment. Learn more about Wake Forest University at

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