WFU adds Apple News channel to complement mobile news experience

Today, Wake Forest University introduced its Apple News channel to complement the delivery of its news to mobile devices. The Apple News app, which comes standard on devices running iOS 9 or later, delivers personalized news digests in real-time from news sources around the world – and now Wake Forest.
Users can select from a variety of news sources or topics to appear in their Apple News feed. Now news published to can be automatically delivered to iPhone or iPad users through the app.
Since the launch of the redesigned website in May 2016, more than 53 percent of visitors came to the site using a mobile device or tablet. In 2015, a majority of smartphone owners used their phones to follow breaking news events, according to a report from the Pew Research Center:
- 68 percent of smartphone owners used their phones to “occasionally” follow breaking news, while 33 percent said they did so “frequently.”
- 67 percent shared pictures, videos or commentary about local events, while 35 percent did so “frequently.”
- 56 percent used their phones to learn about community events or activities, while 18 percent did so “frequently.”
“While journalists are the primary audience for our online newsroom, Wake Forest news stories are a great way for students, faculty, parents and alumni to stay connected with what’s happening on campus. Apple News makes it easier than ever for anyone to enjoy the latest from Wake Forest,” said Katie Neal, executive director, news and communications.
To add Wake Forest to your Apple News favorites list, click from an Apple device running iOS 9 or later.
To manually add Wake Forest to your Apple News favorites list, search “Wake Forest University” in the app on your Apple device running iOS 9 or later. Under the “channels” section, locate Wake Forest and tap the plus sign. The Wake Forest channel should now appear in your Apple News favorites tab.
Categories: Experiential Learning, Research & Discovery, University Announcements
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