WFU festival to celebrate campus wellbeing

On Thursday, Sept. 22, Wake Forest University will demonstrate its commitment to wellbeing with a campus-wide event called “Arrive and Thrive” for faculty, staff and students. From 4 to 6 p.m. on Manchester Plaza, the festival will feature fun and thought-provoking activities designed to inform and inspire the campus community about how to lead healthier, more balanced lives.
Puppies, giant crossword puzzles, dancing, music, food, and hundreds of three-foot tall, cardboard leaves will help raise awareness of the University’s eight dimensions of wellbeing: emotional, environmental, financial, intellectual, occupational, physical, social and spiritual. Outdoor games will get people moving, while other activities will encourage artistic expression or mindful reflection.
“Wake Forest wants to help people think beyond physicality to how all dimensions of wellbeing work together to help us live meaningful and purposeful lives,” said Director of Wellbeing Malika Roman Isler. “This festival is a reminder to our students, faculty and staff that Wake Forest is invested in every aspect of their lives.”
Watch a video of the 2015 celebration here:
Equal parts education and inspiration, “Thrive,” launched in 2014, is a campus-wide effort to enhance campus wellbeing.
The event is not open to the public, but media are invited to attend. Roman Isler is available for interviews.
Categories: Campus Life, Experiential Learning, Happening at Wake, Wellbeing
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