WFU student-athletes read to elementary school students

In collaboration with the Skip Prosser Literacy Program, Wake Forest University students and student-athletes in education professor Alan Brown’s “Issues and Trends in Education” class will read to second graders at Old Town Elementary School on Thursday, Dec. 7.
The class takes a critical look at the culture of sports in K-12 schools. Wake Forest student-athletes representing several sports are enrolled.
“The class begins with students considering the mission of modern-day athletic programs in K-12 schools and ends by inviting students into local elementary schools as a reminder of the important role we all can play in the lives of young people through academics and athletics,” said Brown, whose scholarly work connects sports and literacy.
Brown also hopes to encourage more student-athletes to consider careers in education. Earlier in the week, students from the class visited two other Winston-Salem/Forsyth County schools: Kimberly Park Elementary and Brunson Elementary.
Students will be at Old Town Elementary from 11:20 to 11:50 a.m. on Dec. 7.
Contact the news office for a more detailed schedule of activities or to arrange coverage.
Categories: Athletics, Community Impact, Experiential Learning, Research & Discovery
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