WFU in the news: Sept. 26-Oct.2
Selected news clips courtesy of Wake Forest University News & Communications

Professors share the story behind the story of NBC News coverage of the Peruvian Amazon
By Alicia Roberts and Cheryl Walker | Wake Forest News
Journalist Cynthia McFadden, senior investigative correspondent with NBC News, featured CINCIA in a series of reports about how small-scale gold mining has turned more than 370,000 acres of lush rainforest into barren desert in Peru. This piece includes a roundup of NBC news coverage and a Q&A with Fernandez and Silman discussing the ramifications of the report and CINCIA’s plans for the future. – 9/29/2022
“Black Faith and HIV” aims to end the epidemic by engaging religious leaders
By Trent Straube | POZ
HIV disproportionately affects African Americans. Thus, given the important role faith-based organizations play in Black communities, it makes sense to engage religious leaders to help end the HIV epidemic. That’s exactly the goal of Black Faith and HIV, a new initiative launched by The Faith Coordinating Center at Wake Forest University School of Divinity. – 9/30/2022
Five Triad universities receive $15M to strengthen local teacher workforce
By Lillian Johnson | Triad Business Journal
North Carolina began this school year with 4,400 teacher vacancies. Now, with the help of nearly $15 million from the U.S. Department of Education’s Teacher Quality Partnership grant program, five Triad universities will help recruit, prepare and retain teachers for high-need schools in the region. “We had a need to recruit and retain more effective teachers before the pandemic and that need is exacerbated now during the pandemic,” said Alan Brown, professor and chair of the education department. – 9/26/2022
Wake Forest business school makes new appointments
By Richard Craver | Winston-Salem Journal
WFU School of Business announced the appointment and expanded responsibilities of four associate and assistant deans. Jeff Camm has been appointed as senior associate dean for faculty. Scott Shafer will serve as associate dean for the Master of Science in Business Analytics program. Bren Varner will serve as assistant dean for the Master of Science in Management program. Norma Ramirez Montague will continue in her role as senior associate dean of Academic Programs with expanded responsibilities. – 9/28/2022
North Carolina Poet Laureate Jaki Shelton Green to visit Triad
By Bethany Chafin | WFDD-FM (Winston-Salem, NC)
North Carolina’s Poet Laureate Jaki Shelton Green will make an appearance in the Triad Thursday. She’ll be reading both old and new poems at Wake Forest University as part of the Edwin G. Wilson Speaker Series. Ahead of the event, Shelton Green spoke with WFDD’s Bethany Chafin. – 9/28/2022
They’re back: Employers return for on-campus job recruiting
By Kim McGrath | Wake Forest News
it is clear that face-to-face recruiting has an edge over Zoom. In this tight labor market, employers are turning back to in-person recruiting, said Vice President, Innovation & Career Development Andy Chan. Wake Forest hosted its largest, in-person fall career fair in a decade. Chan said he sees the same trend among peer schools that are also experiencing large increases in on-campus recruiting. – 9/29/2022
Categories: University Announcements
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