WFU in the news: Nov. 14-20
Selected news clips courtesy of Wake Forest University News & Communications

Wente delivers presidential address
By Cheryl V. Walker | Wake Forest News
President Susan R. Wente presented her second annual presidential address to the University community. During her talk, she focused on two critically important questions: Who we are now, and who will we become for future generations? “Our strategy for the future must be built on the foundation of what we have already done,” Wente said. She provided an update on the Strategic Framework process and the work the Core Planning Team has been doing to develop themes based on the collective input of the Wake Forest community. – 11/18/2022
Mental health, wellness programs can boost wellbeing on campus
By Susan Fourtané | Fierce Education
Campuses that are aware and support student mental health and wellbeing can help increase academic performance, retention, and graduation rates. Student wellness centers at Wake Forest and Ohio State have developed models that ensure student wellbeing on multiple levels, including the emotional, physical, social, intellectual and financial dimensions, according to the World Economic Forum. – 11/14/2022
Knee pain eased in community-based weight-loss programs
By Neil Osterweil | Medscape
Patients who are overweight or obese with knee osteoarthritis can find relief from pain through diet and exercise programs conducted in recreation centers, local gyms, fitness centers and other places close to home. “Diet plus exercise was 20% more likely to attain a clinically important 2-point improvement in pain,” said health and exercise science professor Steve Messier. – 11/18/2022
Cigars, booze, money: How a lobbying blitz made sports betting ubiquitous
By Kenneth Vogel, Eric Lipton, Ella Koeze | The New York Times
During a commission hearing in 1998, one of the panel’s commissioners guesstimated illegal sports gambling at $80 to $380 billion dollars. “The number is pretty much pulled from the air,” said economics professor Koleman S. Strumpf, who has studied illegal gambling. – 11/20/2022
America’s unique, enduring gun problem, explained
By Zoey Khalid | The Globe Echo
“America is unique in that guns have always been present, there is wide civilian ownership, and the government hasn’t claimed more of a monopoly on them,” said sociology professor David Yamane, who studies American gun culture. – 11/14/2022
Adding resistance training to diet & exercise program may aid adults with obesity
By Richard Smith, Katie Kalvaitis | Healio Cardiology
Research shows that adding resistance training to caloric restriction and aerobic exercise training is safe and does not adversely impact cardiac or arterial structure and function in older adults with obesity. “Clinicians should consider adding supervised resistance training to improve skeletal muscle strength and muscle quality of older patients with obesity,” said health and exercise science professor Peter H. Brubaker. – 11/18/2022
Guilty By Association will present Its first ArtCities program
By Shawn Ghassemitari | HYPEBEAST
Guilty by Association (GBA) is a new digital platform that aims to empower underrepresented communities across the creative industry. On December 12, GBA will launch the ArtCities website with five artists who all hail from Winston-Salem. The artists selected, Krystal Hart, Ashley Johnson, Lakea Shepard, Mariam Aziza Stephan and Antoine Williams, were made in collaboration with Wake the Arts. – 11/15/2022
An interview with Matt Shields
The Podcaster’s Guide to the Conspiracy
Philosophy professor Matt Shields, author of “Rethinking conspiracy theories” (Synthese, 2022) is interviewed in this podcast – a humorous and informative analysis of conspiracy theories new and old. – 11/18/2022
How to be happier without really trying
By Eric Barker |
Barking Up the Wrong Tree looks at philosophy professor Emily Austin’s book, “Living for Pleasure: An Epicurean Guide to Life.” – 11/20/2022
The 5 best poetry collections of 2022
By Troy Jollimore | Houston Chronicle
“The Slain Birds,” by Michael Longley (Wake Forest University Press), is featured in this list of the 5 best poetry collections of 2022. “In a time when many poets feel compelled to turn up the volume to try to gain the public’s attention, the hushed and gentle beauty of Michael Longley’s work feels like an exquisite antidote to – or a radical rebuttal of – our chaotic cultural sphere.” – 11/17/2022
This list also ran in the Washington Post.
In Charlotte, health care for women only?
By Charlotte Ledger | North Carolina Health News
Offering a suite of sex-specific specialties in one location is important for capturing female patients who are often pressed for time, said economics professor Tina Marsh Dalton, who studies health policy. “You can just refer a patient down the hall.” – 11/14/2022
Leading with a loving heart
By Ryan Erbe, Maj. Benjamin Elliott | Association of the United States Army
Business professor Patrick Sweeney, director of the Allegacy Center for Leadership and Character, surveyed soldiers and found that for subordinates to trust their leaders, three characteristics were important: competence, character and caring. – 11/15/2022
Promoting sustainable U.S. economic growth and mitigating climate change
By Michael Madowitz, Shaun Harrison | Equitable Growth
The estimated hundreds of thousands of green jobs created by both the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act and the Inflation Reduction Act are crucial for creating more equitable economic growth. In a recent paper, E. Mark Curtis of Wake Forest and Ioana Marinescu of the University of Pennsylvania develop a measure of green jobs—specifically, occupations in the solar and wind energy fields—and find these jobs benefit workers. – 11/22/2022
Wake Forest law clinic helps correct veteran’s military record after nearly 70 years of injustice
By Scott Sexton | Winston-Salem Journal
Eighteen steps is all it took to alter James Brown’s life. He’d just returned to the front lines in Korea with the U.S. Army’s 45th Infantry Division – one of the Army’s few fully integrated units – after spending 57 days in a military hospital recovering from shrapnel wounds. Brown had noticed what he considered to be a tactical safety issue. As he’d been trained, he followed the chain of command by first approaching his platoon leader to raise his concern. – 11/13/2022
Wake Forest University student selected for Rhodes Scholarship
By Paul Garber | WFDD-FM (Winston-Salem, NC)
A Wake Forest philosophy major is one of three college students with North Carolina ties to earn Rhodes scholarships to study at England’s Oxford University. Alice Hauser’s passion for refugee rights has led to her selection as one of 32 U.S. students to be named winners of the prestigious honor. – 11/14/2022
Advice from experts on how to get Taylor Swift tickets
By Clare Reverri | WFMY-TV (Greensboro, NC)
“The high fees are just a reflection of larger market issues,” said finance professor Kenneth Ford. “Ticketmaster-Live Nation is a monopoly. That allows them to both impose high fees to manipulate the ticketing market to make it so that artists can’t earn money. You need to address the core business model issue that this is a monopoly that has to be broken up in order to bring more competition to the market.” – 11/17/2022
Holiday spending forecast: ‘Good, but not great’
By Richard Craver | Winston-Salem Journal
“Consumers remember well the restraint they had to endure through COVID and subsequent supply-chain shortages. As a result, they are now showing a desire to exercise newly gained shopping freedom. This momentum should be sufficient to carry through the upcoming holiday shopping season,” said Roger Beahm, executive director of Wake Forest’s Center for Retail Innovation. – 11/20/2022
Indigenous artists showcase works and process at Wake Forest University
By Autumn Karen | Triad City Beat
Sitting at a long white table across from two women inside the Lam Museum of Anthropology on the campus of Wake Forest, Tamra Hunt reaches across lines of watercolor paints and containers of markers to gesture in wide circles at the blank paper between them. Born and raised in Greensboro, Hunt is a member of the Lumbee tribe and a longtime arts educator in the Triad. – 12/30/2021
Transgender Day of Remembrance 2022
By Emily Mikkelsen | WGHP-TV (High Point, NC)
Every year on Nov. 20, the LGBTQ community comes together in order to remember lives lost over the previous year. The LGBTQ+ Center at Wake Forest hosted several programs related to Trans Awareness Week and Trans Day of Remembrance over the course of the week.– 11/18/2022
Wake Forest Baptist Church endows scholarship for future School of Divinity students
By Chanel Davis | Yes! Weekly
Wake Forest Baptist Church has established the Wake Forest Baptist Church Scholarship at Wake Forest University School of Divinity. The endowed scholarship is made possible by a $100,000 gift presented to the School of Divinity at the church’s Celebration of Life service. – 11/14/2022
WFU plans to donate 600 meals to those in need
By Veronica Leasure | WXII-TV (Winston Salem, NC)
Wake Forest University is cooking up a yearly tradition that gives back to the community. Turkeypalooza is in its 16th year. Students and staff are working at the Harvest Table Catering Kitchen to put together Thanksgiving meals with all the fixin’s for people facing food insecurity. – 11/17/2022
The story was also covered by WFMY and Spectrum News.
What’s ahead for Gen Z? ‘Creative destruction on steroids’
By Kim McGrath | Wake Forest News
What is creative destruction on steroids?“Old will be replaced with new faster than ever,” predicted author, reporter and columnist Thomas Friedman at a special student event held in Wait Chapel as part of Wake Forest’s Face to Face Speaker Forum on Nov.15. – 11/17/2022
A dramatic comeback for study abroad
By Kim McGrath | Wake Forest News
Reflecting this resurgence, more than 650 Wake Forest students are expected to study abroad in 27 different countries for the fall semester of 2022 and the spring semester of 2023 combined. The University’s rebound began in 2021. From fall 2021 through summer 2022, more than 900 students traveled abroad. – 11/14/2022
Categories: University Announcements
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