WFU Debate team honored by City of Winston-Salem for national wins
An honorary street sign will also celebrate “Triple Crown”

During the Winston-Salem City Council meeting on May 1, Wake Forest University’s debaters, coaches and staff received a resolution by the City of Winston-Salem for their historic national title wins this year.
Mayor Allen Joines issued the honor on behalf of the City Council and Mayor Pro Tem D.D. Adams presented the large, framed resolution to the team.
“Winston-Salem could not be prouder,” said Adams. “To bring home this honor, something that has never been done – I hope you will always continue to embrace your skillset and remember the instructors, the mentors, your teachers and coaches that poured into you for you to become who you are now and what you will become later. Congratulations to each and every one of you.”

City of Winston-Salem honors Wake Debate team.
Head Coach Justin Green thanked the city and community for their support.
In 2023, Wake Forest University created history by winning all three major national policy debate tournaments: The American Debate Association competition in early March, the prestigious and highly coveted National Debate Tournament in early April and the Cross Examination Debate Association National Tournament also held last month.
A physical marker in the city will also celebrate the University’s “Triple Crown” debate team national titles. Mayor Joines recently approved an application from the University for an honorary street sign.
The “WFU Nat’l Debate Champions” sign is scheduled to be installed at the intersection of Reynolda Road and Coliseum Drive in May. It will be in place until mid-October.
Read more about the 2023 Wake Debate Triple Crown titles here.
Photo: From Left to Right: Wake Forest debate team members – Ana Bittner, Iyana Trotman, Justin Green (WFU head debate coach), Ari Davidson and Tajaih Robinson.
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