Keri Brown

Associate Director, News and Communications

Stories by Keri

Wake Forest will host National AIDS Memorial Quilt

The Wake Forest University LGBTQ + Center and the National AIDS Memorial are partnering together to bring five panels of the AIDS Memorial Quilt to Winston-Salem. It’s part of the Dr. Martin Luther King Day celebration in collaboration with Winston-Salem State University. The panels will be on display at Wake Forest in the Benson Center Rotunda (3rd floor entryway) from Jan. 16 - Jan. 20.  

U.S. Soccer legend Briana Scurry will speak at Wake Forest

Briana Scurry has a story to tell. There’s her trailblazing career on the soccer field, her role in advocating for changes in women’s sports including equal pay for female athletes and a new book and documentary about her life. Scurry will be the keynote speaker for the joint annual MLK Day celebration on Jan. 16 at Wake Forest.

With public health information saying ‘why’ matters

A new study co-authored by @Wake Forest Statistics Professor Lucy D'Agostino McGowan takes a closer look at how transparency in public health messaging can influence community response. The research, also conducted by one of her students, was recently published in the online scientific journal PLOS ONE.